Water Analysis

Water Analysis is an extremely important aspect and the importance of determining the quality of the Water we use in our daily life can be well understood if we draw some focus of exactly how big and essential role Water plays in the day to day activities of a human life. We use clean water for various purposes like Drinking, Cooking, Growing Crops, and Operating Factories. Water is a vitally important component important to every aspect of our lives. For example Monitoring and Analysing the quality of water helps our waterways from pollution, farmers can use the information regarding the quality of the water they are using to take necessary steps to make the land suitable and apt for growth of any crop.

We are aware of the responsibility we carry while carrying out Water Analysis and vouch for accurate and authentic results through a well equipped Laboratory backed by highly qualified chemists and other supporting manpower.

The results obtained from Water Monitoring are also used by Central & State Governments to take measures in order to control the pollution content in water. The most important use of Water Monitoring is it directly influences human health that is why it is very important to know what quality of water we are consuming in order to prevent the human body from diseases such as Cholera, Jaundice etc.

Advanced Research & Testing Laboratory is aware of the responsibility we carry while carrying out Water Analysis and vouch for accurate and authentic results through a well equipped Laboratory backed by highly qualified chemists and other supporting manpower.